Richard M.
Great experience
Brittany B.
Love it
Nicole F.
So I loved all about this piercing with the shininess and glow of the opal….there was just one thing. The hook on the metal part was too small to fit through my nose, so I had to bend the hook part a bit wider so I could actually get the piercing in. That aside, I’m in love with this piercing!
Julia D.
Little to long sometimes catches on my septum ring
Julia D.
Super cute
Tamerio C.
It’s okay I like it but the ball should be bigger cause you can’t tell that it’s white opal it just looks white on the camera this is 20g which is great but the ball should definitely be bigger
Barbie B.
A dainty blue opal with a more narrow screw to keep it from falling out of your nose piercing. Buying it another color as I type this! :)